A New Day, a New Site, and a New Business!
I am so excited I could BURST!!
Today is the official launch of my new and improved website, business, and rebrand! This has felt like a long time coming. If you have been reading here for a while, you know that I made recipes and shared blog posts as a side hobby. I worked a full time job and did my blog on the side because I love creating and sharing recipes and connecting with amazing people like YOU! But now, I am 100% on my own and couldn't be more excited to share more, connect more, inspire, and be inspired.
Photo by Lauryn Byrdy Studio
So why now? What better time than the present, right?!
To be 100% honest, I was not planning on doing this yet. I was planning on going back to my job (which I had previously worked full time) on a part-time basis after taking my 12-week maternity leave. Everything was all set up, but then 3 weeks before I was scheduled to start back, I got some news about changes at my job that just weren't going to work for me. I'll spare you the details, but I was upset. Really upset. I was frustrated that this was happening just a few short weeks before I was supposed to start back. It was my decision to leave, but I felt sad, anxious, and honestly pissed. I called my family and friends crying. Actually, more like sobbing. Thank goodness for the most supportive husband, family, and friends ever because they totally picked me up when I felt completely overwhelmed. They encouraged me to do what I have talked about and wanted to do for years - officially start my own business.
I had talked about doing this for a long time but it was always something that I was going to do eventually. You know....someday. Well guess what, someday is NOW! As upsetting and frustrating as the last minute work changes were in the moment, it has all turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I got the push I needed to take the risk to go out on my own, while having the flexibility to be a mom at home, too. I now have the freedom to explore new and exciting creative opportunities. YAY!
Want to hear something cool? In the moments when I was feeling especially upset and overwhelmed about all the changes I was trying to navigate through, I would see random signs that allowed me to calm down and reassured me that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I would see a particular number and/or the same number sequence in unlikely places. I had been seeing these "signs" for months and had no clue what they meant. I didn't think much about them at first, but they became so frequent and strong that I couldn't ignore them. I thought maybe I was seeing them because I was experiencing changes in my personal life by becoming a mom. But once things suddenly and drastically changed in my professional life, the signs got even stronger. I still see them. And they bring me incredible comfort. I truly believe there are "signs" out there and we are either receptive to them or not. I probably wasn't receptive to them for a long time, but I am so thankful that I am now.
Photo by Lauryn Byrdy Studio
So here we are! A new day, a new site, and a new business!
I will still be blogging, sharing recipes, bits and pieces of my life, and nutrition and wellness tips. All of my old recipes are still here and of course, I'll be adding new ones regularly! The biggest change is that I am working with clients, too. For the past several years, I have focused my career on nutrition counseling. I have worked with a diverse population throughout my career as a Registered Dietitian and Certified Health & Wellness Coach. I have worked in long-term care with an elderly population, worked as a clinical dietitian in a hospital counseling patients with a wide range of disease states, worked with recreational athletes, and most recently in a wellness setting focusing on creating positive behavior change. I absolutely love developing relationships with clients I work with and am so excited to continue this aspect of my nutrition practice. If you want to see more about what type of services I am currently offering, check out it out HERE and HERE! And if you are not local, no problem!! I am meeting with clients both in person AND electronically. If you have questions or think you might want to explore working together, please reach out! I would be honored to meet you :)
Photo by Lauryn Byrdy Studio
You know how they say "it takes a village to raise a child"? Which it totally true, btw! Turns out, it takes a village to build a website and launch a business, too! My village is pretty awesome. My husband Scott has been amazing. He has handled my career change with such grace and patience and I couldn't be more thankful. A sudden career change like this one affects the whole family in SO many ways. Especially when it's not just him and I anymore. We have a baby and a dog (hi, Norm) to support. I so appreciate his patience, love, and encouragement. My village also consists of two people that I am lucky enough to call dear, dear friends. Without them, this site would be nothing! Literally. They are my technology and design angels!! My friend Belinda has an incredible, edited design eye, and is a wiz/genius at web design. She built my site from the ground up! I am obsessed with her work and design aesthetic. My friend Lauryn is an insanely talented photographer who did all the photography on my site. I had admired her work for years before we became real life friends a few years back and feel so lucky to be able to step in front of her camera. These two ladies let me bounce ideas off of them, provided wonderful feedback, and were a true joy to work with. Having friends who are incredibly talented is pretty amazing! I want to give them a thousand hugs. Be sure to check out Belinda and Lauryn on social media, too!
Then there is my family. I tear up thinking about them. Over the past several months, my parents have seen me cry (a lot), run around like a stressed out, crazy woman, and listened to me voice my fears, frustrations, and excitement over my new career changes. All while being the most loving shoulders to lean on. They are my biggest cheerleaders. They have picked me up countless times and inspired me when I needed it the most, all without me even asking. They have helped SO much with watching Rhys (so I can actually get work done lol) and I literally don't know what I would do without them. My two brothers have also been pretty awesome. Even though we all live thousands of miles apart (one is in NYC, one is in Southern California), they have given me so much encouragement and support. I look up to them a lot and value all the advice they have given me.
And last but certainly not least is YOU! Without you, I wouldn't be doing this. YOU inspire me. So thank you. Thank you for reading, for reaching out and connecting, for your patience with all my new changes, and for your support. Whether you are a long-time reader, new reader, past client, future client, or friend - thank you. I can't tell you how much it means to me.
I can't wait to grow with this new adventure. And I can't wait to connect with you! Cheers to health, happiness, and avocados ;)
Photo by Lauryn Byrdy Studio